September 2023

This month was very intense with work stuff. I had two larger work gatherings that were every exhausting. But it was good that I attended them. There were a few positive developments at work, too. On the social side, September was very lonely. I had no playdates on the weekends, the only date was cancelled. …

August 2023

July was very busy and now August was very unbusy. I must admit that it was also a bit lonely from time to time.I had two nice dates with friends for boardgames and snacks. And two roleplaying sessions, one in an ongoing offline group for Pathfinder, the other with a new online group where we …

July 2023

Another month gone and now it feels like the year is almost over. According to the news, this year’s July was one of the warmest but also one with more rain than usual. Yeah, I noticed that. But it is good, we had summers where there was no rain for months. July was my vacation …