June 2024

What a month! It was half very good and half very bad. The good parts were meeting my friends, playing Pathfinder Rusthenge and visting a beautiful, small wedding of two friends. The best part was my visit to Manchester where I saw Liam Gallagher live. It was a special occasion because he played the whole …

May 2024

My birthday month! It felt very celebretory, I got so many wonderful presents and saw my friends for brunch, gaming and BBQ. In addition, May was full of holidays which were very much needed. Work was still stressful but the exhausting part of transitioning to new structures is coming to an end. I also had …

April 2024

April’s weather in April, what a torture. There were days where we had all the seasons, changing every 10 minutes. In April, there was a lot of work stuff going on, my colleague and I decided to change to a different department. Actually not much is going to change for us, same offices and stuff, …